Friday, December 07, 2007

original oil pastel painting


Morgaine said...

Hi, Tanya -

I followed links from Wet Canvas to your Etsy shop and your blog. I love your work - especially the fairies and the mermaids. You've inspired me to try some of my own.

I'm learning to use oil pastels and I was fascinated to see that you use them for ACEOs. Do you use any kind of sealer on them? How do you ship them?


Tanya Bond said...

I don't use any sealer on my paintings. OPs that I use settle after a few hours and don't smudge at all.

Morgaine said...

Hi, again, Tanya-

What brand of OPs do you use? I have quite a few different kinds, including a lot of Senneliers.

Tanya Bond said...

I use caran d'ache and cray pas and other harder OPs. I've never tried senneliers but other artists describe them as very smudgy like lipstick - nothing like that with my pastels:)